You, woman!

Happy International Women’s Day ☀️

This picture feels symbolic to me — how these women took up the whole row of seats as a group + the bright, colorful clothing they seem so excited to be wearing + how they each standout individually in their own right + how they standout, more so, as a group.

These couple years, more than ever, I’ve understood that subtle love that flows from one woman to another (stranger or family) — a sisterhood.

These couple years, more than ever, I’ve felt that energy that seems to come especially from a feminine energy: supportive but independent, nurturing but not smothering, strong but not overpowering, powerful but not a bully, emotional but grounded. Very humbling and empowering to be part of that collective. ✨

Today I celebrate the many amazing women in my life. Today, I also celebrate being one. Sure is good to be a woman. ♥️


*This pic was taken last year in Kyoto, mid-Feb 2020, about 2 weeks before Covid officially shutdown the world.

#internationalwomensday#Sisterhood#GoodToBeAWoman#LoveYouSistah#Kyoto#Japan#LastYear #2020