
In 2016 (before my understanding of “America” was forever changed) I sat in front of the TV as I watched Trump do his very first presidential canditate speech (not sure what you call those.) As he talked, I sat there with an ugly feeling that this guy was going to win. In an age of what we now call, “outrage culture” it seems that the cream does rise to the top, afterall.

2020. Today, 2 months before the next election, I have this feeling, again. In both cases, I can honestly say, it would be (have been) amazing to be proven wrong. With the amount of money (mostly through the stock market) that this administration has made the already very rich (ok, possibly even the not-so-rich) — I mean, whether self-confessed republicans/democrats— will it matter? Capitalism breeds opportunism. $$$ ? is still and always has been the god that America most trust. (Not throwing stones, if anything I can understand the allure of the $$$ … And it is, after all, the system we have all created for ourselves)

So, 2 months before the *dreaded* election — that’s possibly the only thing we can all agree on)…. These days I feel I was born too early. Hahahaha. I see a future waayyy different than where I am in right now. ?

So, in conclusion, I’m gonna say something possibly very stupid or possibly very wise. ?

When you go vote: TRY, JUST TRY….

Don’t vote for your God
Don’t vote for your country
Don’t vote for your party
Don’t vote for your environment
don’t vote for the earth
Don’t vote for your business or place of work
Don’t vote for the people you love
Don’t vote for the people you hate
Don’t vote to conform or rebel
Don’t vote for people like me who are telling you what to do/not to do.

Go vote for yourself. Go vote for the world you want to be a part of.

Hasta la vista, baby! ✌️ May we all go in peace. ?