
Circa Halloween 2021. No costumes for me. Instead of dressing up, I was dressing down. Ok, more like stripping naked. 😆
I got accepted to a 10-Day Vipassana silent retreat, after diligently applying for months.
Centers are worldwide. I live in Philly & Delaware is closest to me. My best friend in the Philippines did it first (Quezon).
10 days is…long. I feel lucky it worked out for me & I was able to do it then. The retreat is completely free. It includes lodging + food. Donations are accepted after you’ve completed the course. If this calls to you, check them out.
9.5 days of total silence. No phone, tv, books, pen & paper. No contact with the outside world. Nothing. At all. Except me, myself & I + this ancient Indian meditation technique called Vipassana.
A teacher checks in daily, 5 min max. There are also scheduled times for consultation if you have questions, or concerns aka when the going gets tough.
All religions and belief systems are accepted but they ask you “pause” any practice for the retreat so you can focus on their teaching.
I hesitate to write anymore because if you want to join, I think it may be best to read less on other’s experiences.
I am a researcher 😛I look things up a lot & often. I was excited but also really scared so I wanted to “be prepared.” I wish I just went with less head knowledge & allowed myself the element of surprise (I say this but I would be that person who will keep researching 😆 #rebel)
It’s been a year & I am still unpacking the whole experience!
One thing I want to write now, something I’ve always known but easily forget:
There is no magic pill aka perfect solution. No single event, retreat, organization, lifestyle, belief system that will “cure all” / “be all” / “do all” *for* you. Sorry.
We live day by day.
We take it step by step.
We are in pace with nature — working with time & space.
This, I am learning, is faith.
So if you’re joining to be a “new” person, hmm, I don’t know.
But if you’re feeling “called” to go inward, spend time with your skeletons, blood & gore – demons & angels invited 🥹 then it may be the right place.
It’s surreal & HARD. But yes, I’ll do it again. 🫡