Valentines Day, Friday the 13th and Love



Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I’m posting this today because I know to a lot of people this is a precious holiday. And I love holidays and I don’t like to spoil anyone’s holiday. Ha!

Most of us associate Feb 14 as a romantic day which is lovely. But you know, Feb 14 also means that it’s been 45 days since the New Year. 45 days…

Now the sad part comes… It’s only been 45 days and almost every week of those 45 days we’ve had some kind of tragedy happening. ISIS, Syria, the Charlie Hebdo shooting in France, the Mamasapano clash in the Philippines, Chapel Hill Shooting in the US… — I’m sure there are a lot more but these are on my radar because of FB… These tragedies are not freak accidents, not an ‘act of God’ or natural causes, but just plain: people killing people. Maybe more apt would be “people hurting people.” 

I’m not trying to be morbid, or be all spooky because it’s Friday the 13th. ..I just think that something happens inside of us when we associate death and love together… instead (of what comes more natural)— death and hate.

One makes you angry, bitter and vengeful, the other makes you angry, reflective, and (maybe/hopefully) transformed. One that causes chaos after chaos… the other finds restoration and hope in the midst of destruction. When people die especially a senseless death, we‘re angry and we mourn because something also dies inside of us… But then in that death, something is born – and we need to decide what that rebirth will be… (Geez, life is really difficult.)

There’s something special that happens when we talk about death and love together — because can we really ever understand one without the other?

End of spoiler… But really, I wish for all of us to receive and give love that is stronger than the grave. Happy Valentine’s Day to all!