Traditions AKA How I celebrate Halloween


Traditions, traditions, traditions! Growing up in the Philippines, I know Halloween more as All-Saints Day & All-Souls Day. I didn’t know a lot of people that decorated their houses or dressed up but there were always horror movies and spooky stories. My cousins & I will gather in a corner and someone will start telling “true” stories about a flying coffin, a ghost in the cemetery or lost souls hanging out in the backyard. With my overactive imagination, I believed, loved and hated all this at the same time. The highlight of this holiday for us would be visiting family members in the cemetery. Armed with candles, flowers and sometimes, even snacks, we will spend hours there: taking pictures, relieving memories, praying together and laughing until we’re scared because we’re having too much fun on a “solemn” day.

Last night, Nick’s little cousin randomly called us after work. He wanted to go trick or treating… It was my first time actually seeing it in action and man, it was pretty amazing. What I saw in movies were 2 or 3 kids knocking on doors but in MY real life there were bunch of kids in costume, all lined up to get their candy. A lot of “kids”. Haha. They didn’t have to go knock because adults were ready for them with their houses decorated and piles and piles of candies on hand. There’s laughter and spookiness in the chilly air. Kids and adults alike are enjoying being someone else – a weirdo, a ghost, a hero.

I won’t really call myself a “traditional” person. I’m 25 and most people my age resist rather than embrace traditions – just cause we can. Haha. But lately, maybe because I’m “growing up” I find myself happily looking back and looking forward to these holiday traditions. I’ve read a lot of post about Halloween – some downright stupid, others annoyingly religious, but you know what stands out to me? The ones that are fun and filled with freedom and hope. And I celebrate with them. I realized that regardless of where you’re from or where you are… and how you celebrate, we are always united by our ability to give, receive and share the light that is in each and everyone of us. =) Happy Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day to all!