The Heart of Life…



I took this shot of New York City a week or so ago. And I was amazed. I’ve looked at it again and again since then… The buildings – work of men. The water and the sky – work of God. Co-existing together in beautiful harmony… The existence of one showcasing the existence of the other. Just like friends and teammates. Not downplaying or taking away but magnifying and supporting…

You know what I realized lately? The more you see, the more you understand. The more you understand, the more you grow. And the more you grow, the more decisions you have to make. And that’s freakin’ tough… You realize, man, the world is pretty messed up. But then you stop. Because when you dissect this statement, you begin to see… Well, technically, the world is beautiful -almost perfect, when you think about it. But we, people, we’re pretty messed up. We want all the good, but we usually are not willing to choose the good. What we like is easy… which is, most often than not, complete opposites. You watch documentaries, you read the news, you talk to people, you think… and you realize, somehow, in tiny pieces, why we are the way we are. And it makes you kind of sad… Or cynical… Or just whatever.

But then you look at snapshots of life around you. There’s so much more here. And that’s why you can’t stop there. You have to see and understand… The movements, the colors, the stories… All that is beautiful. And not beauty in the physical because we know that really doesn’t last. This one does. It’s beauty that is rooted way deeper… Beauty that is rooted in goodness. And in that light, all else is trivial.

Yes, the heart of life is indeed, GOOD.

(sigh) Sunday morning musings… Thanks for joining me. :)