Thank You

Hello Christmastime!

The holidays mean a lot of different things to different people. But almost universally, it’s a time of giving. Today , I want to specifically give thanks to certain people. These are the people I have, a lot of times, taken for granted. The people whose presence I rarely fully realize until, sadly, their absence.

So to you, I am grateful. This is the “Thank You” I may not have (had) the chance to say in person:

~ To you who returns your grocery cart to the right place and not leave it in the middle of the parking lot.

~ To you who diligently puts your signal light on when you turn, move lanes etc.

~ To you who gives honest, genuine reviews in Amazon, Yelp, Google, TripAdvisor and all other sites, especially when you take the time to put up pictures and/or videos.

~ To you who understands and hence, put up that strong, reliable hook in the women’s public restrooms that can handle our big purse so we don’t have to worry about where the heck we should put our bag and if it will fall or not. 

~ To you who took the time to set up and clean up your voicemail so that I can leave a message.

~ To you who works in drive – tru fast food chains and asks me if I want ketchup with my fries instead of assuming I don’t because I did not remember to ask for it. You get it, fries and ketchup are best friends. You’ll forever have my utmost respect.

~ To you, a stranger in a foreign land who speaks a foreign tongue and graciously understands confusion when you see one, and asks “Can i help you?” to someone like me who is sometimes, hopelessly lost.

~ To you who verifies your sources before sharing and posting on social media. Your friends with Spidey. You understand that with all this freedom is responsibility. You see that there are a lot of clutter and noise and it is important to share good, credible information for the betterment of the human race.

~ To you, whose nameplate says “Debbie,” in the Parthenon Diner, you are the best server we’ve ever had the good fortune of meeting. You. Are. It.

~ To you who stops, who looks and who listens.

~ To you who tries not to think in black and white, who battles the human nature of always trying to neatly put things in boxes.

~ To you who looks beyond the stereotype.

~ To you who has the courage and discipline to learn, unlearn and re-learn, no matter what age.

~ To you who throws trash in the garbage bin instead of throwing it outside of a car window.

~ To you who gives hope, extends grace and practice mercy.

~ To you who does not just tolerate but endeavors to understand and emphathize.

~ To you who is a cashier and volunteers to give me coupons for my purchases when I don’t have one.

~ To you who gives out samples with a friendly smile knowing I may be a little shy and feeling awkward to try food I may not have any intent of buying.

~ To you who creates free and really helpful apps to make life easier and more fun and waste time. Just kidding. Maybe.

~ To you who doesn’t participate in trash talking and/or cyber-bullying, even behind the safety of a computer or a smart phone. Always the high road, always the smooth handle, I salute you.

~ To you who reaches out to that person who is new, who might seem different and/or foreign even with the prospect of rejection and confusion … and that they are not after all, new. Or foreign.

~ To you who listens to figure heads, thought leaders, celebrities and yet always does their own research and own thinking before forming an opinion about something.

~ To you who says “Yes,” even hesitantly, when asked if you can take a picture or … many more pictureS from a total stranger.

~ To the doctor, the dentist, the specialist, who doesn’t take the “waiting room” concept too seriously.

~ To you whose job is to take care of, serve, assist, guide and help people even at odd times and hours and holidays.

~ To you who takes a deep breath.

~ To you who washes your hands, and covers your nose when sneezing and if feeling sick, especially in public places like airports, planes, theme parks.( Remember the end of the world movies.)

~ To you who wakes up every morning with the intent of being a better human, with the purpose of giving, even if it’s just good vibes. Or carbon dioxide for plants.

~ To you who gives every generation a chance, even your own.

~ To you who rescues animals, plants, trees, the earth, and books.

~ To you who asks questions with the intent of really finding the answer. Or just expand your brain.

~ To you who considerately parks within the lines and not take up more space than necessary.

~ To you who volunteers her spot in the public restroom line because that little girl said, ” Mommy, I really need to go.”

~ To you who patiently and attentively reads posts/books of people you disagree with.

~ To you who can laugh at him/herself and laugh with others or just laugh.

~ To you who supports people’s endeavors even if it’s just liking posts or selfies. Or Facebook live.

~ To you who still reads really long posts like this.

You are what I am thankful for and I love you, you beautiful human. May your heart be filled with sparkles knowing that someone is VERY grateful for you. Have a wonderful holiday and may you continue to be you in 2017 and beyond.