Terror Bill

In the current spirit of protest, dissent, and overall activism….

Just found out that the current Philippine Administration is on its way to passing a bill — dubbed as the “Anti-Terror Bill.”

I read a few news articles and was able to dig up the actual bill, I hope the right one — link below.

As a good friend has said, “What’s scary is that it’s called an anti-terror bill but who is to say that this is really not anti-opposition?” Thoughts? If you’re familiar… or like me, maybe not… but alarmed nonetheless.

Would love to hear what you think! ?

It feels especially hard for me to talk about Philippine politics because I’m not there now and haven’t lived there for the last 10+ years… and honestly it never felt like political debate or participation was encouraged or (ever) necessary.

Right or wrong, politics and corruption, in my brain, was very tightly intertwined – like a yin and yang — but this one is the unusually unpleasant version… and without the feeling of peace that usually comes over me from looking at that symbol.

So I tend to look away — a little angry, a little jaded, a lot hopeless. What is the point of speaking up, I thought.

Last December while in the Philippines, I was able to visit the art museum in Ateneo with family. A whole floor dedicated to outward activism. And to be honest, I felt completely shocked that something like that existed… because it wasn’t something I’ve ever seen… Or maybe, it wasn’t something I chose to see. Until then. But a little spark of hope was rekindled. Especially as I spoke to the younger generation of Filipinos who were incredibly aware and educated to the current political/social /cultural climate.But I digress. ? I’m ready to listen, think and learn. ✨ Here’s the link:
