
Street music / street art is fast becoming one of my favorite things in the world. ✨ –

Thinking of the many humans who might be finding it a little more difficult to self-isolate in this time , especially if being out there is their passion and art and life. Or if being out there just makes them feel a little bit more connected to humanity. Or if being out there brings out the best in them. Or if being out there is their way of fully breathing. Or if being out there makes them feel less alone. ? –

I’ve learned that some people are like lions and it’s very hard on their spirit to stay inside and cooped up for long periods of time. If you’re one of those people, you’re in my heart today. Not that it makes much of a difference lol but know that whatever you’re feeling, even if unpopular, is totally okay… –

In a lot of big cities, the space to walk around while distancing yourself from people is sometimes impossible to find, so social distancing can be incredibly easy or insanely difficult depending on where you live and lots of other factors… Thank you for doing your part, especially because it’s so hard on you. ? –

Some alternatives that might help — reading, watching, meditating, jogging in place, yoga, opening windows, putting on music, lighting a candle, incense, fresh flowers/plants in your line of sight, reaching out to like-minded people, video-calls/chats with people you love/like… It’s not quiet the same, I know. ? –

I’m rooting for you. You got this. ?
(If you’re finding it unbearable, please reach out. ?)