
Rarely watch the news these days but based on a lot of reactions I’m seeing on social media, the “violent protesters and looting” must be what’s on the frontpage and headlines.


And somehow those headlines and clickbaits dominate everything else, eclipsing the hundreds of peaceful protests happening all around… and worse, shifting the narrative of violence.

That somehow the people who are resisting violence and protesting against violence and wanting an end to violence — are actually the ones who are now called “violent.”

Just like that, the story has turned.

How incredibly exhausting it must be.

I joined a protest in NYC today and we can attest to how many, many people, especially African Americans, tried SO hard to keep it peaceful and safe. Yes there was a lot of tension and intense anger… and that’s why it’s all the more impressive, that people are out here, organized, sympathetic, compassionate, controlled… finding a way to altogether speak up and express themselves and their needs.

It is healthy to do so.

In any relationship, in any society, communication is key. And that’s often the hardest part. And here they are, here we are, communicating. As intensely, as passionately and as peacefully as possible.

You may not agree but… Don’t look away. Don’t get distracted. Please take a moment to listen. Deeply listen. And withhold judgement. It might not be easy. Just like speaking up is hard. Just like showing up peacefully is not easy when someone is incredibly angry.