
Been reflecting on the concept of “giving.” Since we started our trip, this has been one of the trickiest parts of our journey. When, where, how, to give? In the US there is a pretty strict tipping culture that doesn’t exist almost anywhere else... So in almost every city we’ve been to, Nick & I… Continue reading Giving


One of the questions I used to get when I first moved to the US was, “Is it a big culture shock?”  This was hard for me to answer because... well, I didn’t know the answer... because I just didn’t think about it. I was a lot younger then and carefree, excited and thrilled to… Continue reading ‘MERICA


“Abraham — the first backpacker. ”   I chuckled at that one. It’s the first sign we see when we finally arrived at our accommodation in Tel Aviv named Abraham Hostel.  As we enter I see people, cool people, hanging around the courtyard and I’m feeling a little intimidated.  We check in and we were… Continue reading Hostel

Tel Aviv

ARRIVAL “Ah. Hahagana Station. It’s just one stop. You stand right here. Actually no, you go to the other side. It’s the next train.  No. Actually it’s the one after the next train. See the 8:05 PM? Haifa Center. It's the 2nd train. OK? Don't worry, I’ll be here if you need me.” Nick &… Continue reading Tel Aviv


I was cleaning up my phone and found pictures of my trip to Aruba last year. Looking at pictures usually put me in a reflective mood... I remember a few weeks before that trip (for work) the biggest question I had was, "Should I drive in the island or not?" What's the big deal, right?… Continue reading Drive