Pack Up & Go…

After years of wishful thinking ( and Nick fighting & kicking lol) , months of doubting & questioning, weeks of planning & deliberating, days of emptying, packing & letting go — we are finally here. 

Nick & I have decided to pack up and go – for a couple months (we have 80 days planned so far). Some of our stuff is in storage, some we’ve let go. At the moment we each have 1 small carry on, 1 bag pack, a shared empty water bottle, a budget and pockets full of hope. Oh, and that vision — it’s very vague in our minds that it’s scary but it’s very clear in our hearts that we’re here, letting it lead us to parts unknown. 

We’ll let you know how it goes. Lol 

There are poems that talk about this: that regardless of the path we choose in life, there is always the shadow/ghost of the path unchosen. How do you ever know that you’re making the right choice, walking the right path, dancing to the right tune? 

Do you ever? 

This leap is what I’d like to call faith. To some it’s stupidity, to others it’s courage. In a lot of ways I think it’s both. 

What are we looking for? Bigfoot. Lol 

We’ll be in these countries: Israel/Palestine/Jordan, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Italy & Malta — if you’re ever around we’d love to meet up! If you have any tips/tricks for us, we’d love to hear it! Pardon the slow response since we’ll be at the mercy of wifi.

Our first stop is Tel Aviv which starts… today. <3