Labor Day

In the last few years… personal + social events + being out and about all over = my brain feeling like it is fully cracked and wide open.

The duality of the world we live in has been a constant source of frustration and fascination to me: prosperity and lack; wealth and poverty — throughout humanity’s history, why does it seem like they have always existed and somehow, always will exist?

Is someone /a group of someones wealth or poverty part of what makes the world go round? Is someone / a group of someones prosperity or lack actually a big part of why we now have a society?

(If we are all wealthy and prosperous on our own, then will we ever venture out of ourselves to create any kind of social structure?)

I don’t know.

But such as things are now, we need each other. In so many levels.

One of the hardest things I’ve constantly seen in every city, town, village or neighborhood is suffering. Being physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally in pain — as sucky as it sounds seems to be a common human experience.

One of the most inspiring things I’ve constantly seen in every city, town, village or neighborhood is work. And I don’t necessarily mean a job but… work = this human attempt to make a living and build a life (as ‘simple’ as breathing / planting a seed, as ‘complex’ as raising a child / going to the moon) — this also seems like a common human experience.

And so as I see both together: suffering amidst productivity, the ability to create amidst all sorts of pain…

In moments like now when I care to pay attention— I can recognize this phenomenon (for lack of a better word) as one of the most beautiful and miraculous things I know about human beings.

There’s a cynicism that has crept up in me as an adult — and yet when I remember that everywhere I’ve been in this world, I constantly see people get up, live and become — it gives me hope and a cause for celebration.

So to you, human, I celebrate your life — which is at the end of the day — maybe, your labor.

Happy Labor’s Day weekend! ✌️