I lack nothing.

“Unstoppable force of nature.”

Often associated with tsunamis/hurricanes; people with really strong characters. But hey, I think, this right here is also an unstoppable force of nature. The gentle breeze, the quiet buzzing of the wind and the waves, the simple swaying of the leaves…

This week I am reminded that no matter what else I’m wanting to achieve, who I’m hoping to become, what I’m wishing to do, where I’m praying to be, today, right now, I am — you are — enough.

This week I realized I’ve been looking at the future all wrong. I’ve been looking at it as the promise land, the place where I will finally become, the time where I will finally arrive.

And so I am always running after it. Always feeling like “it” is right around the corner. Always thinking “soon I can be.” Always carrying the pressure of “what if it doesn’t happen,” or “what if I don’t get there.”

Sadly, as I am now realizing, that mindset, as motivating as it sounds, eventually leads to burn out. Why? Because it comes from a place of lack. It comes from a place where you desire to be fulfilled, desire to be whole, desire to be complete.

When you already are.

All you have to do is open your eyes.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” (Psalms 23)

I’ve heard this so many times before but this week (and hopefully for always) it finally clicked: I lack nothing. Damn it.

I lack nothing.

What a wonderful place to dream from, to achieve from, to want from: from the understanding that even as you desire, even as you toil, you have everything you could ever want all ready inside and outside of you.

Coming from this place I acknowledge that I am already me. I’ve already arrived. And yet every day, every second, I am still becoming. It sounds so crazy and ironic but it feels so real. And so even as I acquire and I achieve and I learn, and I fail and fail — I am me, transforming.

I am not a puzzle that’s yet to be completed. I am the tree that goes through seasons — the winters, the springs, the summers, the falls.

Imagine the freedom, the grace, the love, that is rooted in wholeness — it melts all the insecurities, the envy, the fear. It empowers you to move forward not because you’re chasing… but because you’re living. It empowers you to hold people’s hand so that as you live, they too can live.

May you understand today, and for always, that no matter how you feel — you lack nothing. And rooted in that wonderful reality, may you go, live your life and keep on transforming.

Be that unstoppable force of nature, however that looks like to you.

1 thought on “I lack nothing.”

  1. This a beautiful piece of heartfelt reflection. Love it…. So true Hajer. We are trees growing in different seasons! We have all we need now, to become what we desire.. We lack nothing because the Lord is OUR shepherd!

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