
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
To allow your body to rise and fall in an ocean full of respect — for everything and everyone, regardless of the pleasure or pain it brings you?
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
Surrounded by endless waves that come and go — of doubt, confidence, anger, happiness, guilt, blame, fear, freedom?
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
With eyes wide open, clear and unhindered by dreams and imaginations and expectations of should-be’s or would be’s?
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
With a balanced understanding of what it means to be present, to be human, to feel, to experience, to live?
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
To know I am surrounded by both light and dark, pain and pleasure, misery and joy, suffering and wonder, selfish and selfless, everything and nothing?
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
To accept what was, to cherish what is and to just let be?
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
In a few seconds, my attention will shift and I’ll move on to something else — possibly to my endless list of to-dos.
In a few seconds, my action will change and I’ll get up and get going.
But for these few minutes, I wonder.
How does it feel to float in gratitude?
I deliberately, full of intention, sit and think about gratitude.
I laugh
I mean.
I sit and think and write.
Which was all very good until *suddenly* instead of feeling grateful, I am now just writing about feeling grateful.😅
So I stop writing.
Just until I am grateful.
Just until I live in gratitude.
Just because I see that living it is better than writing about it.
Just because I see that the gift is to live it, everything else is just icing on the cake, cherry on top.
Ha. Back to basics. I always end up back to basics. 😮‍💨
Season’s greetings!!!🎄 Hoping that we, individually and collectively *live* the spirit of this season. No pressure, we all know it’s the hardest thing to do 😅🙈 If you struggle, know that I struggle with you. But I enjoy putting up a fight and trying anyway🦄 😬😊😅🦋🐣 #seventytimesseven