Corner of the Universe

Lots of discovery these past weeks.

The energy of participation or non-participation.

The strength of loud voices, the vibration of echoes, the power of whispers and the quiet peace from that still small voice.

I’ve asked myself this question. What is my role? What am I becoming as I navigate and walk a path, this path? That I don’t have a name for but can identify as surely as I can spell my name.

I’ve asked myself this question. Who am I? Where am I? As I look around and find me, in the midst of chaos, in the middle of forces, in between virtues and vices, at the center of the universe, at the periphery of the world.

I look up and I see the vast open skies — sometimes blue, sometimes gray but always a sky.

I look down and I see my feet or the pavement or the soil or the puddle but always the earth.

I clasped my hands together and feel my skin. I am this body.

And as I journey in the here and now I realize that I’m tapping in the past and the future. Molding time as I see fit, understanding the power of my understanding and the weakness of my knowledge.

Wisdom is here when I listen.

But only when I listen. And it’s incredibly hard to listen.

I find a little corner of the universe and create. I find a little corner of the universe and build. I find a little corner of the universe and wonder. I find a little corner of the universe and listen. I find a little corner of the universe and become. ✨

*May your day be full of “becoming” as you “rest” the best way you know how. Happy Sunday, friendsters. ?