Labor Day

In the last few years… personal + social events + being out and about all over = my brain feeling like it is fully cracked and wide open. The duality of the world we live in has been a constant source of frustration and fascination to me: prosperity and lack; wealth and poverty — throughout… Continue reading Labor Day


In 2016 (before my understanding of “America” was forever changed) I sat in front of the TV as I watched Trump do his very first presidential canditate speech (not sure what you call those.) As he talked, I sat there with an ugly feeling that this guy was going to win. In an age of… Continue reading Vote


July (ish) 2009. “You can’t act too nice, they’ll get suspicious. But you don’t want to be stiff either, they’ll think you’re hiding something.”  These words of advice were directed to me for my interview. I was applying for my student visa to the United States.  I was 19. I smiled and nod my head… Continue reading Movement

Woke up

Today I woke up feeling out of sorts. A culmination of days feeling uneasy in my skin. I open one eye to look around — it’s morning. The activity outside my window signals the beginning of another day. I close my eyes, trying to shutout the inevitable. “It’s okay, no need to hurry,” I hear… Continue reading Woke up