
What’s on my mind today are the many people talking, fighting, angry, fearful, confused, upset, shocked, annoyed, suspicious, indifferent, not sure — whatever feelings you may have (the fact that you have awareness, I think, is still something) — about the news and events surrounding the Asian community here in the US.

Today and the next few days, I’d like to hold space for them, for us — for anything and everything that comes up. ✨

I keep going back to this street art, from Banksy, that now hangs in my living room wall (a postcard version of it, anyway. 2nd pic is the original version, in Bethlehem.) Hard to explain but I think it captures so beautifully the aggressive heart and stance of a human that magically shifts the conversation, the atmosphere, because of what he/she is throwing out in the world — all within the context of stereotypes & biases. I’m hoping and trusting for that same energy + seeds to be released everywhere today — however it may look like, however it works best for these present times. ???

Sending out love and peace.