A few minutes…

When you have a few minutes today, please take a moment to pause — say a little prayer, extend a warm virtual hug, plant a seed of love … to people and communities out there who don’t have a home or a safe space to call their own.

Statistics tend to vary so this is not an exact number but what’s pretty consistent is that there are atleast 50 million (most say over 70 million) refugees and forcibly displaced people all over the world. (I don’t believe that this number includes homeless people.)

As countries/communities close its borders, there are millions of humans out there — stuck in between political/economic/social lines and conflict. Often they have very little access to public health care or clean water or basic sanitation systems.

You may not understand yet why or how they are in this position but they are out there.

If all you can do is acknowledge that, then I’d like to believe that’s a win for humanity.

If you can take the next step, whatever attention you can give them today — a prayer to pray, a song to listen to, a video to watch, a book to read…. Then I’d like to believe good changes are right around the corner.

(And if you feel inclined to give, I’ve researched a few organizations you can donate to — link below.)

In the last few months, what seems to be a local virus became a national emergency and then a global pandemic. It looks like those days when we can easily say, “Not my problem,” is over. Our fates are sealed. We knew it then but we’ve proven it now — we are social beings and no man or community is completely isolated. We are in this together — for better or for worse.

In the last few months we are all slowly being awakened to the glaring fragileness of the economic and political institutions we were taught to blindly trust and support — and this goes way beyond political parties and idealogies and geographical boundaries. This is a global sentiment.

More importantly though, we are also being awakened to the very strong individual power and responsibility each and every one of us have. You’ve heard that cliche before: “One person can make a difference.” Today, you can call us incredibly privileged to have it proven to us right here and now.

These are hard times. But these are learning times. Make notes. Observe. Keep things that touched you close to your heart. Remember what you hated, what you loved, what made you sad, what made you happy, what you couldn’t believe, what you thought was important. These are indispensable markers. Not just for a better you. But for a better society. And hopefully a more perfect union with our community and the earth.

There’s a tomorrow so please, please, make notes.

P.S. Seems to be a good time to be quoting Dickens.

Hey… If you’d like more info and felt like donating: (If anyone have any personal
experience with this orgs, pls share! If you know of other reliable sources, pls share!) Thank you, earthling!

1. https://www.nrc.no/news/2020/march/10-things-you-should-know-about-coronavirus-and-refugees/


3. Www.nudaysyria.net