
When we left CT on 03/26/19, I had a 80ish day plan. I had a very organized spreadsheet, an itinerary of where we will be every day. Almost 95% of all the flights, accommodations, transpo were booked. I surprised even myself at how structured and organized it all was. ? Malta was the last country on that list. And soon enough we arrived there. At this point, I had no idea what was coming next except that my Mom had surgery and my obvious next step was to see her. So Dubai was next. And then what? I spent the last 6 months planning that my brain had made it a habit. I was always looking forward, what is next + what do I have to do to get there. I put a lot of pressure on myself to know the answers and it was slowly being revealed to me that… I know sh*t. ? This is the biggest struggle of my late twenties and ehem it continues on to my 30 (s?) — the realization of how much control I have… and the understanding of how little control I have. What is it? It’s this push and pull dynamic — within me and outside of me… –

Taking that 90 day trip, planning it and actully making that plan happen speaks to how much power we do have to create something. –

Taking that 90 day trip, planning it, and then the heavy rain comes or you spend all day traveling to a place that is closed, or a bird poops on your face as you step outside… it speaks to how much we’re at the mercy of forces completely beyond us. –

The thing is, if we had stopped at that 90 day mark and gone back home, it would have been a wonderful trip with its share of blunders and unfortunate circumstances, but nothing drastic. –
Majority of the experiences we had on that 90 day trip was of a beautiful world and of a beautiful people. –

But then we decided to stay out here. With a different strategy, instead of moving every 3-5 days, we’ll stay at a city for longer. A few weeks, a month, maybe more. –

And like any relationship, time is a blessing and a curse. At a 3-5 day speed, you can look at a city & wonder at its glory. Like a beautiful, nostalgic summer crush. But you stay a little longer and you get entangled in a lot more – the beauty, the ugly, etc. –

Here’s to that next chapter ?