2015 and New Year Resolutions

wing it

“I’m resolving to just wing it and see what happens.” Haha. Be good to me 2015 :)

I think the greatest part of every January 1st is that it puts us in the mindset of looking forward while looking back…

I think about 2014 and  I remember the precious time I spent with family; being reunited with old friends; making new connections  with wonderful like-minded people.

I remember the opportunities, the challenges, the excitement, the heartaches and frustration.

I remember being stretched & pushed out of my comfort zone – being happy and being pissed.

I remember the big conversations of the year – the social and global issues that are still with us today.

I remember traveling, going to concerts, parties, hospitals, homes, weddings, birthdays, and funerals…

I think about all this and I feel the growth inside and out. I would like to think that my heart is a little bigger, my mind a little wiser, my eyes a little wider and my soul a little brighter because of all the people and experiences along the way…

I see this growth in the people around me too. In conversations, in people’s post, pictures, priorities…

So I would like to think that since we are growing individually, our world is also growing with us. That somehow, in one way or the other, regardless of the good, the bad & the ugly, the world IS becoming a better place. #glasshalffull #upfordebate

Well, 2015, I think planet Earth and it’s earthlings are ready for you :)