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In the last few months I have drifted away from Facebook and other social media. Sorry if I missed any special occasions and big events. I love and wish you well. ?

2017 was a rollercoaster ride.
The rise and fall.
The highs and lows.
The torturous slow climb before.
The dizzying speed and then.

Leaving you anxious, excited, out-of-breath.
Leaving you unsure, begentlewithme.
Leaving you terrified, damnitwhatsnext.
Leaving you challenged and electrified, icantakemoreshowmewhatyougot. 

All the while, in the midst of the psychological, physical, physiological upheaval happening in that span of (yep) 3 minutes, that  sure feels like a lifetime, two thoughts dominate: (1) Why am I doing this to myself? (2) Thank God I have my seatbelt! (Oh God, do I have my seatbelt?)

2017 taught me to find (still finding) that seatbelt. I’d like to think of it as the “MOST-EST” important. AKA The Fundamentals. (Queue the Casablanca movie soundtrack, As Time Goes By)

There may be a lot of stuff we hope to acquire, a lot of things we aspire to be, but the core of life seems to boil down to simple, bare necessities:

We went camping and it was amazing how much you can live without. Less is more. Less is more. Less is more.

I heard a lot of political and social arguments; fairness, equality. A better world… It’s still all trial and error. A big, messy and glorious experiment. I think that may be a very good thing, that we still don’t have all the answers. It teaches us to keep an open mind, have a generous heart. Listen. Think. Do. Be. Discuss. Argue. And if all else fail, speak.

Relationships, family, friends, love, mercy, forgiveness,hope, grace, kindness, peace, patience, understanding, perseverance, discipline… all that soft gooey stuff that makes you feel naked and vulnerable (and sometimes pissed off) is probably the closest to paradise we can have here on earth. It is strength. It is good. As uncool and outdated and mushy they may seem.

The golden rule: So in everything, do to others what you have them do to you. Love is still the greatest commandment, whether we like it or not.

I’ve eaten a lot of Chinese food last year and thus read a lot of good fortunes, one of which seemed to be tattooed on my mind: “You want freedom, grant it to others.” (I guess that’s a version of the golden rule just wrapped in a fortune cookie.)

Laughter is the best medicine. I am eternally grateful for the gift of humor that has been bestowed to the human race.  The memes, gifs, videos. Nothing represents the unbeatable human spirit more. And they’re great stress relievers and icebreakers.

It’s 2018. I’m still on that rollercoaster ride… I hear the voices, screams and laughter of other humans with me. They make this ride so much more meaningful. I look around and I am surrounded by people who inspire and encourage me.

Around me are people living on the edge and yet they are here, standing, with so much energy and strength. Around me are people who sacrifice rest and sleep, resources and time to fight for who they want to be — to become who they feel in their hearts they truly are. Around me are brave fighters, not just people who live to survive, but people who thrive on living — badass men and women who pushes the boundaries and makes me always rethink what it means to be successful and alive.

…Yet there are days when I look around and the darkness is so thick – it’s so easy to see the evil, the violence, the gloom, the hopelessness. It’s so easy to forget. I  often do. 

But then I hear the echoes. And I realize that the light of human beings that surround me everyday — physically, mentally, spiritually — embraces me all the time. And it overpowers all the shadows. The light of the world is always stronger than the darkness. The seatbelt I hold on to is real and strong and dependable. No matter how high the drop. Or how shaky the ride.

And so I shake my head instead and laugh out loud. I try to put my hands up in enjoyment and surrender. Because as insane as life can be, I sure am lucky to be here now.

… Oh boy, all that sentiment in one sloppy breath. ? Thanks for reading. There really is not much point to this post. I just want to say hi. And since we’re starting a new year, tell you that I’m glad you’re here. Your fire sparks mine… Happy New Year, earthling.?