Easter Eggs, Washing Feet and Full Stomachs



Our neighbor invited Nick & I over for dinner upon hearing I’ve never painted Easter Eggs before. Haha. They insisted I come over, bring hard boiled eggs and some Paas coloring that you can find at Walmart. And so we did. We brought dessert and wine and they cooked us a delicious meal of ribs, rice and green beans. We melted colors, soaked the eggs, laughed and talked while waiting, and viola! The finished product. Looks pretty good!

We left their place and walked the 3 steps down the hall into our own apartment — sleepy but laughing. Hearts and stomachs full. And then I remembered.

If you celebrate Holy Week then you probably know today is Maundy Thursday. It’s in remembrance of the Last Supper and Jesus’ washing the feet of his disciples. It’s also remembering Jesus’ commandment to “Love one another as I have loved you.” 

Now there are a lot of arguments about religion and faith and truth and love and life… Which is which? What is what? Who is who? 

But days like this, I don’t think about the complex answers but the simple question. What is the one thing I have to remember? Love. Love in all its shape and size… Today it came in the form of our neighbor casually reaching out; casually extending their generosity; casually opening their home to us…And it’s a very humbling experience. Because they didn’t have to, but they did… 

Like when Jesus decided to wash their feet. Why? Was it necessary? No… But, love. 

Whether you celebrate or not, I hope you open your heart this week to serve and be served. After all, a little sprinkle of service can spark a whole lot of love! :)